Besides using brute force to damage your opponents, you can instruct your operators to do mean stuff as well. But operators can also be used to strengthen your own convoy. The different lifestyles have their very own operations, so you can expect different operator attacks from people of different lifestyles. Some operations will not be available to you until you�ve gained the experience (science) that your operators need to master the new operations. Hence, the more stealth specialists you hire, the more operations you will be able to perform.

You will find your operators in the operators� nook on the ship. However, you cannot force your operators to work around the clock, therefore you are limited to a maximum of 10 operations each day. Each new day, your operators will have rested so that they can perform one more operation. Hence, if you have not consulted you operators for more than 10 days, they will agree to perform 10 operations for you. Let�s say you instruct them to perform 4 operations during this day. Then you consult them again the next day. This time they will offer you a maximum of 7 operations since you had 6 left last day, and got 1 more due to the new day.

Check the subchapters to find out the operations that are available to the different lifestyles.


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