Look into the chalice: [easy]
Just look into the pipe through the smoke of marijuana and you will see what you desire about an opponent�s ship.
Spies on opponent
Smoke sensi: (self) [medium]
By smoking the finest of weed, your men will fight better than usual. However, they will also eat more than usual since fine weed makes you hungry.
+10% offensive strength, -5% defensive strenght, +15% food consumption (10 days)
Sound clash: (self) [easy]
When rude boys in your crew - touched by Jah and given the gift of scratching sweet sweet riddims and doing hardcore toasting - begin to battle each other in a big sound clash, the morale of your crew will go up tremendously.
+10 moral (8 days)
Ganja Smuggling: (self) [hard]
If you got the right connections, there is always someone in need of weed, and someone willing to sell a shipment. When the distances is too big, there is also a need for someone to ship the goods.
Makes the Ganja Smuggling mission available (4 days)
Sell bushweed: [hard]
Smoking weed is good, as long as you smoke the good stuff. By dealing bushweed to an opponents crew, you can weaken his/hers defence for a day.
-5% defence for opponent (1 day), Steal 0.5% of opponent�s credits
Invoke Jah: [hard]
When the forces of Babylon are too great for you to fight, you may want some help from above. By invoking Jah to aid you in your struggle, he will send a flash of lightning through your opponent�s convoy destroying many of his resources.
Destroys 40% of opponents� crystals & food, and 10% of opponents� credits.
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