Netbus: [easy]
By hacking into another convoys computer system with the world famous Trojan method, you�ll be able to steal a bit of information from them.
Spies on opponent
Credit card fraud: [medium]
"Do you accept VIZA?" Unprotected money is never safe from a hacker.
Steal 3% of opponent�s credits (maximum 50 credits per hacker).
Quake playing: (self) [medium]
To a hacker, nothing is more fun than Quake. By arranging a LAN-party, most hackers forget almost everything of the outside world, even eating.
Hackers do not consume food (10 days)
Send nanobots: [medium]
A netbus can only give you that much information. By sending tiny tiny robots, nanobots, to another convoy, you can make them reveal bigger secrets, such as present operations.
Spies on opponent & reveals operations, missions & "reports to the commander"
Speed circuit: (self) [hard]
By applying a special circuit to your ships, you can make them travel much faster than usual. However, the circuit is very fragile and always melt down after an attack.
-20% attack time (2 days) (disappears after the next attack)
Drink Jolt: (self) [medium]
Jolt Cola is the life essence to a hacker. By handing out free cans of Jolt, your hackers will work much more effciently.
+15% operator efficiency (2 days)
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