Old stats/top-10
Curious of how past generations turned out? Check out the old stats and top-10 records.

Some of the records have been lost completely, others may just be buried deep down in a forgotten database, waiting to be found. Most of them are however preserved and presented here for your viewing.

Number of players:
Beta I Gen 1:46
Beta I Gen 2:58
Beta I Gen 3:127
Beta I Gen 4:92
Pre-Beta II:??? 
Beta II Gen 1:46
Beta II Gen 2:67
Beta II Gen 3:48
Beta II Gen 4:39
Beta II Gen 9:46

 Old Stats
Please selecta a generation of your choice:

Ledzar Beta I Generation 1
Ledzar Beta I Generation 2
Ledzar Beta I Generation 3
Ledzar Beta I Generation 4 (data seems lost) :(
Ledzar Pre-Beta II (data seems lost) :(
Ledzar Beta II Generation 1
Ledzar Beta II Generation 2
Ledzar Beta II Generation 3
Ledzar Beta II Generation 4
Ledzar Beta II Generation 9

 Old War Journals
Please selecta a generation of your choice:

Ledzar Beta II Generation 3
Ledzar Beta II Generation 4
Ledzar Beta II Generation 9



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