Old Top-10 - Ledzar Beta II Generation 8
The top-10 for Beta II Generation 8 (ended December 24, 2004):

The mightiest convoys in the Ledzar universe appear to be the following:

Considering networth:

Convoy: Networth: Alliance:
1 Shunuff 799 766 Buio Kalinka
2 ballattack 648 611 Buio Kalinka
3 Flying Wodka 640 499 Buio Kalinka
4 DOOP 515 751 DemocraticOrderOfPlanets
5 Flax 325 986 DemocraticOrderOfPlanets
6 Crus Aders 306 946 En Påse Nötter Tack
7 SheDevil 228 372 admin
8 Banjo Hunters 211 820 DemocraticOrderOfPlanets
9 nizzeienglasburk 201 532 admin
10 Vegan Militia 197 694 admin

Considering transport ships and shuttles:

Convoy: TS+Sht: Alliance:
1 Flying Wodka 317 +469 Buio Kalinka
2 Shunuff 315 +620 Buio Kalinka
3 Crus Aders 311 +473 En Påse Nötter Tack
4 ballattack 302 +591 Buio Kalinka
5 Flax 228 +456 DemocraticOrderOfPlanets
6 Banjo Hunters 212 +287 DemocraticOrderOfPlanets
7 SheDevil 204 +407 admin
8 nizzeienglasburk 201 +396 admin
9 Vegan Militia 194 +388 admin
10 Madcats 193 +344 Warcats

As for alliances, these seem to dominate:

Considering networth:

Alliance: Networth: Lifestyles:
1 Buio Kalinka 2 088 876
2 DemocraticOrderOfPlanets 1 053 557
3 admin 627 598
4 En Påse Nötter Tack 606 854
5 Warcats 390 606
6 No Hope 285 219
7 Loise and Loise 192 281
8 Candy Bar 76 524
9 X-Men 28 301
10 Royal Airforce 13 677

Considering transport ships and shuttles:

Alliance: TS+Sht: Lifestyles:
1 Buio Kalinka 934 +1680
2 En Påse Nötter Tack 625 +1122
3 DemocraticOrderOfPlanets 623 +1033
4 admin 599 +1191
5 Warcats 486 +861
6 No Hope 374 +178
7 Loise and Loise 221 +393
8 Candy Bar 168 +149
9 X-Men 61 +96
10 Royal Airforce 33 +1

No one can have missed the rumours about these fellows:

The most experienced heroes:

Hero name: Level: Exp: Member of convoy:
The Gatekeeper G-25 72 540 Crus Aders
The Borderline Protector G-25 71 137 Crus Aders
savior G-27 68 250 SheDevil
Teetotalism G-25 62 334 SheDevil
JimBob G-19 53 015 Kanoobees
Mary Poppins G-22 47 365 nizzeienglasburk
VictorVictoria G-21 43 419 nizzeienglasburk
Vodka W-21 40 025 Flying Wodka
Piraten W-19 33 438 Flying Wodka
I-LANE G-18 32 198 Deep Space



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