Reveal: [easy]
Lurking in the dark spots of any convoy there might just be two kinds of shadows...
Spies on opponent
Cloak: (self) [medium]
By redirecting additional power to the stealth systems of the Umbras/Hunters, it is possible to hide its current shapes from nosy eyes.
The current form of the Umbra is not revealed to spying convoys. (7 days)
Collect: [medium]
Shiny crystals always look better in your own silos rather than other convoys'.
Steals crystals from target
Mind blank: (self) [medium]
If you can't remember it, it probobly wont be a problem. Erasing the knowledge of an operation might just erase the operation itself.
Nullifies a randomly picked good or bad operation on your convoy
Mind blank: [medium]
If you can't remember it, it probobly wont be a problem. Erasing the knowledge of an operation might just erase the operation itself.
Nullifies a randomly picked good or bad operation on target's convoy
Plague: [medium]
Monitoring the death of specialists of a hostile convoy can only be surpassed by watching panic grow as more and more of them dies each new day. A plague will not just strike once but over an extended period of time.
x% of targets specialists will die each day (5 days)
Hunt: [hard]
When your forces are not numerous enough to break the defences of an irritating enemy convoy Umbras have the ability to alter their shape and function to better suite the moment. Leaping out of the shadows the Umbra can strike its prey with surprise. It's hunting time!
Makes Umbras take the form of Hunters, gaining additional offensive strenght but dramatically reduced defensive strenght (24 days)
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