(Passive skill)
Cannons fireing from out of nowhere. As the crew of your foe fires back blindly into open space, panic is starting to grow as they realise the uncertanty of their defence.
Your target will gett (2*skill level) % lower morale during an attack
(Passive skill)
Warrior, Guardian, Operator
Develop your sences to find your opponents food storage more easily.
You get (15*skill level) % more food at a successfull attack.
Guardian, Operator
You cannot steal what you cannot see. When expecting an attack, your tranquillers can take advantage of this and temporarily set up a distortion field to hide a certain amount of transport ships from sight.
When successfully attacked, your attacker gets less transport ships
(Offensive operation)
Warrior, Operator
(10*Skill value) % of targets JAS-39 will be unusuable 'til the next day
Warrior, Guardian
Playing a game of hightech hide-and-seek is fun, especially when you have the home field and a nice set of stealth devices. Though battle finally will take place, you can delay the return of an enemy fleet by giving them a harder time finding you.
When attacked, it will take longer time for your attacker's fleet to return (6 days)
Increase your defencive firepower by setting out a party of stealth ships to attack any incoming threat from behind.
Those that attack you will lose more ships. (5 days)
(Offensive operation)
If someone is bothering you, why not simply send them somewhere else?
(5*skill level) % chance that target will be sent to The Vector of No Hope